Saturday 13 December 2014

Water Effects & Other Stuff

    It's been a while since I posted, and I still have a lot of assignments to put up, so here are my water effects, the double take and the drunken faint. (Though in my case he was simply tuckered out.)

Water FX:

This one is a skipping stone semi-slow motion seen from the side, half in, half out of the water. I got the idea from a slow motion video of a skipping stone.

Double Take:


This is my double take. I greatly enjoyed making the hands in this animation. Hands are something I like to draw. You can get so much expression out of them.


Here is my faint. I had a lot of fun making the action read properly, and I think I did really well on this. I also added in a bit of feather-floating on the hands on the settle.

Tuesday 9 December 2014


Here are just some of the pencil sketches in my notebook that I did during classes or labs. It is pretty much my go-to when I'm bored or when I'm distracted. So, without much further ado, here are some of the better ones for your enjoyment!

 The bottom character sheets are specific characters of mine that I've planned for years now, and are something I draw when I have writer's cramp, or the artist's equivalent. These sketches are the best of the bunch, and sometimes do not have much else on the paper, as usually I like a picture and then decide not to clutter up the rest of the page. Hope you enjoy!

Walk Cycle and "heART" Picture

This past week was awesome! Mostly cause I finished and scanned a great picture. However, it is too big to put on here. (Why, blogger, why?) so here is a link.

Check it out. I think it's my best work yet.

Other than that, though, I drew and inked a Master Chief/Doom guy crossover. (Just coloring is left!) Which was a lot of fun.

For school I worked on various projects, most of which are still unfinished. So, I'll upload my walk cycle, because I haven't uploaded it yet and I should be uploading more things on here. So, yup, here it is.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Sense of Force

Hey there! Here are some of my assignments from the first quarter; the hand slap, hammer smash and the table slam! I'll be doing my best to post my work from this quarter on this blog, as I have a lot work from before to show. So, here we go. Enjoy!

The hand slap;


This one follows the criteria of the assignment pretty closely, though I added some effects when it hits the table.

The hammer swing;


This one I enjoyed, using roughly the same body/character type as the next one, the table slam. I added the barrel later afterwards, though, so I guess the hammer is a rubber hammer, as I think the barrel would be the one to squash, instead of the hammer. Still, I like it!

The table smash;


This one I like the most out of these three, and is also the first one I did. I mostly did it as a reaction to seeing absolutely none of the previous work by former students do this action with very much force. Thus, I exaggerated the highest point, and added in the table squash, to give it that extra "oomph." I also think I did really good on the hands and body as well, still having the breaking of the joints, but doing it realistically, with the motion of the hand. I think this one is the best out of the three.