Thursday 4 December 2014

Sense of Force

Hey there! Here are some of my assignments from the first quarter; the hand slap, hammer smash and the table slam! I'll be doing my best to post my work from this quarter on this blog, as I have a lot work from before to show. So, here we go. Enjoy!

The hand slap;


This one follows the criteria of the assignment pretty closely, though I added some effects when it hits the table.

The hammer swing;


This one I enjoyed, using roughly the same body/character type as the next one, the table slam. I added the barrel later afterwards, though, so I guess the hammer is a rubber hammer, as I think the barrel would be the one to squash, instead of the hammer. Still, I like it!

The table smash;


This one I like the most out of these three, and is also the first one I did. I mostly did it as a reaction to seeing absolutely none of the previous work by former students do this action with very much force. Thus, I exaggerated the highest point, and added in the table squash, to give it that extra "oomph." I also think I did really good on the hands and body as well, still having the breaking of the joints, but doing it realistically, with the motion of the hand. I think this one is the best out of the three.

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