Saturday 13 December 2014

Water Effects & Other Stuff

    It's been a while since I posted, and I still have a lot of assignments to put up, so here are my water effects, the double take and the drunken faint. (Though in my case he was simply tuckered out.)

Water FX:

This one is a skipping stone semi-slow motion seen from the side, half in, half out of the water. I got the idea from a slow motion video of a skipping stone.

Double Take:


This is my double take. I greatly enjoyed making the hands in this animation. Hands are something I like to draw. You can get so much expression out of them.


Here is my faint. I had a lot of fun making the action read properly, and I think I did really well on this. I also added in a bit of feather-floating on the hands on the settle.

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