Thursday 27 November 2014

Yeti Farm Creative

    Last Friday our class was visited by Ashley Ramsay of Yeti Farm Creative, an animation studio in town. She came in to talk to us about what to expect from the industry that we're entering, and to correct any misconceptions or fantasies we had about it. It was extremely enjoyable, and was rather enlightening.

    I had sort of guessed at the long work hours and effort put into this industry. During my research about the comics industry it was the thing that most creators poked fun at, besides their procrastination, so I was expecting the things she had said. I also expected the admonitions about expectations and entitlement, and the qualifications of dedication and work ethic as well, as they are always necessary for being successful in work.

    I really appreciated her comments about how hard it is to actually produce your own stories in this industry. I had known that it would be extremely hard, nigh impossible, and it has not changed my desire to create my own works, but the reminder was very useful. Especially for bringing me down to earth more often, as my head seems to have a permanent residence in the clouds.

    What I found most intriguing was the explanation she gave of the workflow of a project. I was not aware of just how many positions need to be filled at any given time for a single project. Looking back on it, it is something I should have expected, but still. The lecture was very enlightening in that regard. Getting a picture of the workflow allows me to think ahead and focus my studies to what I will need to be prepared for.

    What Yeti Farm creative was doing on their own, branching off of their contract work was really interesting, and it was very nice to see the industry here expanding. I can't really see myself living anywhere other than here or near my extended family, so it is really nice that for the foreseeable future I can stay with family and with a job I enjoy.

   I really liked the presentation by Mrs. Ramsay. It was informative and enjoyable. I do wish that we had seen the schedule of a single person, and their schedule over a bunch of projects, and not just the flow of a single project. Otherwise, though, it was a very informative and useful lecture. Many thanks to Ashley Ramsay and Yeti Farm Creative!

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