Friday 28 November 2014


    This week has been rather hard, but also very good. Last week Wednesday I finished a huge curving perspective pan, and after coming down from off that high I sort of burnt out a bit, compounded by complications to my animations. Sunday gave me a new personal responsibility , and on Tuesday this week my Grandmother passed on, which also depressed me further. That lack of energy outstayed its welcome a bit, but even with that I managed to get my assignments finished, as God helped me and gave me courage and strength. So yeah, this week I was lethargic, but I got the things I needed to do done through it all. And I am looking forward to a productive weekend, now that I have a bit more of my concentration back.

    I have a lot of assignments to post on here, as we have done a lot in the past two months. (It really doesn't feel like only two months have passed. It feels like way more.) So I will start with this morph project, the first creative assignment we did, and one of the most fun. It was also one of my longest, using up a ton of animation paper (at least it felt that heavy) and clocking in total at over 40 seconds by the class. My part was the teddy bear with the laser cannon at the beginning. I really enjoyed doing that.

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